Memorial Wind Chime Keepsake Urns
These Memorial Wind Chimes are a new and unique. Some have an Ash Keepsake Component
The soothing notes of the chimes carry in the wind while housing a weatherproof keepsake component
for ashes beneath the wooden chime top.
Chimes, keepsake component, wind catcher, and instructions for use and adding ash are included.
Engraving is available
This wind chime plays notes from the beginning line of Amazing Grace, and houses a weatherproof keepsake component for ashes beneath the wooden chime top.
To add ash, remove nickel-plated keepsake from wooden chime top by loosening three small screws with Phillip's head screwdriver; remove additional three screws from top of keepsake and place ash inside weather sealed compartment.
Engraving is available on removable wooden wind catcher.
Materials: Wood, Aluminum.
Capacity: Nominal, less than on cubic inch of cremated ash.
Dimensions: 24 inches.
Forever in our Heart Wind Chime with Ash Keepsake Component
The soothing notes of this chime carry in the wind, and the chimes house a weatherproof keepsake component for ashes beneath the wooden chime top.
Aluminum chimes and a brushed silver windcatcher hang from beautiful black-finished ash wood.
Materials: Wood, Aluminum.
Capacity: Nominal, less than on cubic inch of cremated ash.
Dimensions: 22 inches.